...ou de nada; ou só de algumas coisas, dependendo do dia ( e sobretudo da noite )

terça-feira, junho 27, 2006


today i woke up with 24
and i felt like 51.

[ Ours was an ocean to swim around in
Ours was an ocean i should have drowned in

My doctor reports that we must be strong

But i'm praying that it won't be long ]

state of mind: ballad of broken seas_isobel campbell & mark lanegan


Blogger Mary Of Silence said...

Sei bem como :-(( ...
Excelente foto.

Kisses, my friend*

5:18 da tarde

Anonymous Anónimo said...

Today I woke up with almost 51 and I felt like ...uh... dead ... (???)

8:15 da tarde


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